So Laboratory

研究業績 / Publications

論文 / Peer-reviewed articles

  1. N. Tsuchida, I. Goto, Y.-G. So, R Ohyama, K. Kurosawa, K. Kobayashi and H. Osanai
    “Property Changes of Pure Aluminum Castings with Inserted Aluminum Nitride Substrates Caused by Thermal Cycling”,
    Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 33, 8871-8883 (2024).

  2. 後藤育壮,土田菜摘,肖英紀,黒沢健吾,小林幸司,井手口悟,小山内英世,
    鋳造工学, 95, 435-443 (2023).

  3. 後藤育壮,肖英紀,松木俊朗,三井俊明,黒沢健吾,
    鋳造工学, 95, 123-133 (2023).

  4. Y.-G. So, K. Takagi and T. J. Sato,
    “Effects of Pt substitution on the formation and magnetic behavior of a Ga-Pd-Tb 2/1 approximant”,
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2461, 012009 (2023).

  5. Y.-G. So and A. Katagiri,
    “Formation of 2/1 and 1/1 approximants in a quaternary Al-Pd-Au-Yb system”,
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2461, 012004 (2023).

  6. D. Shimizu, T. Nagase, Y.-G. So, M. Kuwahara, N. Ikarashi, and M. Nagao,
    “Stochastic Transformation and Interaction of Deformed Skyrmions and Antiskyrmions in Room-Temperature Coexisting Phase of a Heusler Material”,
    ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5, 13519-13528 (2022).

  7. T. Ishimasa, Y.-G. So and M. Mihalkovič,
    “Planar defect in approximant: the case of Cu-Al-Sc alloy”,
    Philosophical Magazine, 101, 2295-2317 (2021).

  8. T. Nagase, Y.-G. So, H. Yasui, T. Ishida, H. K. Yoshida, Y. Tanaka, K. Saitoh, N. Ikarashi, Y. Kawaguchi, M. Kuwahara and M. Nagao,
    “Observation of domain wall bimerons in chiral magnets”,
    Nature Communications, 12, 3490 (2021).

  9. T. Matsumoto, Y.-G. So, Y. Ikuhara and N. Shibata,
    “Direct visualization of nucleation intermediate state of magnetic skyrmion from helical stripes assisted by artificial surface pits”,
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 531, 167976 (2021).

  10. T. Taguchi and Y.-G. So,
    “Direct observation of the local atomic structure in two types of Au-Ge-Yb 1/1 approximants”,
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1458, 012005 (2020).

  11. Y.-G. So, K. Takagi and T. J. Sato,
    “Formation and magnetic properties of Ga-Pd-Tb 2/1 approximant”,
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1458, 012003 (2020).

  12. T. Nagase, M. Komatsu, Y.-G. So, T. Ishida, H. Yoshida, Y. Kawaguchi, Y. Tanaka, K. Saitoh, N. Ikarashi, M. Kuwahara, and M. Nagao,
    “Smectic liquid-crystalline structure of skyrmions in chiral magnet Co8.5Zn7.5Mn4(110) thin film”,
    Physical Review Letters, 123, 137203 (2019).

  13. H. Yu, Y.-G. So, Y. Ren, T. Wu, G. Guo, R. Xiao, J. Lu, H. Li, Y. Yang, H. Zhou, Z. Wang, K. Amine, and Y. Ikuhara,
    “Temperature-sensitive structure evolution of lithium-manganese-rich layered oxides for lithium-ion batteries ”,
    Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140, 15279-15289 (2018).

  14. Y.-G. So, A. Katagiri, R. Tamura and K. Edagawa,
    “Formation of Ga-Pd-Sc icosahedral quasicrystal and approximant phases”,
    Philosophical Magazine Letters, 98, 292-300 (2018).

  15. T. Hiroto,Y.-G. So, and K. Kimura,
    “Synthesis and Thermal Stability of B20-type TMGe (TM = Mn, Fe and Co) Intermetallic Compounds Prepared by Mechanical Milling”,
    Materials Transactions, 59, 1005-1008 (2018).

  16. T. Matsumoto, Y.-G. So, Y. Kohno, Y. Ikuhara and N. Shibata,
    “Stable Magnetic Skyrmion States at Room Temperature Confined to Corrals of Artificial Surface Pits Fabricated by a Focused Electron Beam”,
    Nano Letters, 18, 754-762 (2018).

  17. T. Matsumoto,Y.-G. So, Y. Kohno, H. Sawada, R. Ishikawa, Y. Ikuhara and N. Shibata,
    “Jointed magnetic skyrmion lattices at a small-angle grain boundary directly visualized by advanced electron microscopy”,
    Scientific reports, 6, 35880 (2016).

  18. H. Yu, Y.-G. So, A. Kuwabara, E. Tochigi, N. Shibata, T. Kudo, H. Zhou and Y. Ikuhara,
    “Crystalline grain interior configuration affects lithium migration kinetics in Li-rich layered oxide”,
    Nano Letters, 16, 2907-2915 (2016).

  19. M. Sakamoto, K. Inoue, M. Okano, M. Saruyama, S. Kim, Y.-G. So, K. Kimoto, Y. Kanemitsu and T. Teranishi,
    “Light-Stimulated Carrier Dynamics of CuInS2/CdS Heterotetrapod Nanocrystals”,
    Nanoscale, 8, 9517-9520 (2016).

  20. T. Matsumoto, Y.-G. So, Y. Kohno, H. Sawada, Y. Ikuhara and N. Shibata,
    “Direct observation of Σ7 domain boundary core structure in magnetic skyrmion lattice”,
    Science Advances, 2, e1501280 (2016).

  21. M. Nagao, Y.-G. So, H. Yoshida, K. Yamaura, T. Nagai, T. Hara, A. Yamazaki and K. Kimoto,
    “Experimental observation of multiple-Q states for the magnetic skyrmion lattice and skyrmion excitations under a zero magnetic field”,
    Physical Review B, 92, 140415(R) (2015).

  22. Y.-G. So, K. Kimoto and K. Edagawa,
    “Formation of an Icosahedral Quasicrystal and Its Approximant in Au-Al-Sc System”,
    Materials Transactions, 56, 495-499 (2015).

  23. M. Nagao, Y.-G. So, H. Yoshida, T. Nagai, K. Edagawa, K. Saito, T. Hara, A. Yamazaki and K. Kimoto,
    “Real space observation of skyrmion polycrystallization and its domain boundary behavior in FeGe1-xSix”,
    Applied Physics Express, 8, 033001 (2015).

  24. N. Na, D. Y. Kim, Y.-G. So, Y. Ikuhara and S. Noda,
    “Simple and engineered process yielding carbon nanotube arrays with 1.2×1013cm-2 wall density on conductive underlayer at 400 °C”,
    Carbon, 81, 773-781 (2015).

  25. Y.-G. So, F. Saruhashi, K. Kimoto, R. Tamura and K. Edagawa,
    “Formation of Tsai-type 1/1 approximants in In-Pd-RE (RE: rare earth metal) alloys”,
    Philosophical Magazine, 94, 2980-2991 (2014).

  26. Y. W. Ju, J. Hyodo, A. Inoishi, S. Ida, T. Tohei, Y.-G. So>, Y. Ikuhara and T. Ishihara,
    “Double Columnar Structure with Nano-gradient Composite for Increased Oxygen Diffusivity and Reduction Activity”,
    Advanced Energy Materials, 4, 1400783 (2014).

  27. M. Sakamoto, K. Inoue, M. Saruyama, Y.-G. So, K. Kimoto, M. Okano, Y. Kanemitsu and T. Teranishi,
    “Investigation on Photo-Induced Charge Separation in CdS/CdTe Nanopencils”
    Chemical Science, 5, 3831-3835 (2014).

  28. K. Handa, Y.-G. So, Y. Kamimura, R. Tamura and K. Edagawa,
    “Internal friction of an Ag-In-Yb icosahedral quasicrystal”,
    Materials Transactions, 55, 754-757 (2014).

  29. D. Tanaka, Y. Inuta, M. Sakamoto, A. Furube, M. Haruta, Y.-G. So, K. Kimoto, I. Hamada and T. Teranishi,
    “Strongest π-Metal Orbital Coupling in a Porphyrin/Gold Cluster System”,
    Chemical Science, 5, 2007-2010 (2014).

  30. H. Yu, R. Ishikawa, Y.-G. So, N. Shibata, T. Kudo, H. Zhou and Y. Ikuhara,
    “Direct Atomic-Resolution Observation of Two Phases in the Li1.2Mn0.567Ni0.166Co0.067O2 Cathode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries”,
    Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 52, 5969-5973 (2013).

  31. M. Nagao, Y.-G. So, H. Yoshida, M. Isobe, T. Hara, K. Ishizuka and K. Kimoto,
    “Direct observation and dynamics of spontaneous skyrmion-like magnetic domains in a ferromagnet”,
    Nature Nanotechnology, 8, 325-328 (2013).

解説・著書 / Review & Books

  1. 長尾全寛,肖英紀,木本浩司
    <Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan, 57, 391-397 (2014).

学会発表等 / Presentations

  1. 坂本一紗,肖英紀
    第23回日本金属学会東北支部研究発表大会,弘前大学創立50 周年記念会館みちのくホール,2024年12月(ポスター)

  2. 橋本航,肖英紀
    第23回日本金属学会東北支部研究発表大会,弘前大学創立50 周年記念会館みちのくホール,2024年12月(ポスター)

  3. 後藤蛍,肖英紀
    第23回日本金属学会東北支部研究発表大会,弘前大学創立50 周年記念会館みちのくホール,2024年12月(ポスター)

  4. 五十嵐友基,森元太,有薗雄太,肖英紀
    第23回日本金属学会東北支部研究発表大会,弘前大学創立50 周年記念会館みちのくホール,2024年12月(ポスター)

  5. 肖英紀

  6. 肖英紀

  7. 五十嵐友基,森元太,有薗雄太,肖英紀

  8. 肖英紀

  9. 市瀬智也,船津和哉,肖英紀

  10. 関遼太,ユヘリン,肖英紀

  11. 市瀬智也,船津和哉,肖英紀

  12. 関遼太,ユヘリン,肖英紀

  13. 市瀬智也,船津和哉,廣戸孝信,肖英紀

  14. 肖英紀

  15. 市瀬智也,船津和哉,廣戸孝信,肖英紀

  16. 市瀬智也,船津和哉,肖英紀,
    「メカニカルアロイング法によるB20型TMGe (TM= Cr, Mn, Fe, Co)合金の作製」

  17. 肖英紀

  18. Y.-G. So, N. Hatakeyama, M. Terashita, R. Seki, T. Hiroto and T. J. Sato
    “New hexagonal phase containing icosahedral Tb clusters in Ga-Pd-Tb alloy”,
    The 10th International Conference on Aperiodic Crystals (Aperiodic 2022), Sapporo, Japan, June 2022.

  19. Y.-G. So, K. Takagi and T. J. Sato
    “Effect of Pt substitution on formation and magnetism of Ga-Pd-Tb 2/1 approximant”,
    The 10th International Conference on Aperiodic Crystals (Aperiodic 2022), Sapporo, Japan, June 2022.

  20. Y.-G. So and A. Katagiri
    “Formation of 2/1 and 1/1 approximants in quaternary Al-Pd-Au-Yb system”,
    The 10th International Conference on Aperiodic Crystals (Aperiodic 2022), Sapporo, Japan, June 2022.

  21. 市瀬智也,船津和哉,肖英紀,
    「メカニカルアロイング法によるB20型TMGe (TM= Cr, Mn, Fe, Co)合金の作製」

  22. 肖英紀,池田虎ノ介

  23. Y.-G. So
    “Facile synthesis of B20-type FeGe alloys via dilute Si-doping and mechanical alloying”,
    2021 Global Research Efforts on Energy and Nanomaterials (GREEN 2021), Online, December 2021 (Invited).

  24. S. Narita and Y.-G. So
    “Substitution effect on magnetic properties of β-Mn type Co-Zn based alloys”,
    2021 Global Research Efforts on Energy and Nanomaterials (GREEN 2021), Online, December 2021.

  25. 市瀬智也,船津和哉,肖英紀

  26. 齋藤佑樹,肖英紀

  27. 張議中,船津和哉,肖英紀

  28. 畠山のどか,高木強平,廣戸孝信,松下能孝,肖英紀

  29. 池田虎ノ介,肖英紀

  30. 船津和哉,肖英紀

  31. 池田虎ノ介,肖英紀

  32. 船津和哉,肖英紀

  33. 船津和哉,肖英紀

  34. 安井隼太,小松正弥,肖英紀
    「β-Mn型Co-Zn-(V, Cr)合金の作製II」

  35. 船津和哉,肖英紀

  36. 安井隼太,小松正弥,肖英紀

  37. 田口牧,肖英紀

  38. T. Taguchi, and Y.-G. So
    “Direct observation of local atomic structure in two types of Au-Ge-Yb 1/1 approximants”,
    The 14th International Conference on Quasicrystals (ICQ14), Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, May 2019.

  39. Y.-G. So, K. Takagi and T. J. Sato,
    “Formation and magnetic properties of the Ga-Pd-Tb 2/1 approximant”,
    The 14th International Conference on Quasicrystals (ICQ14), Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, May 2019.

  40. Y.-G. So,
    “Direct imaging of planar defects in a Tsai-type 1/1 approximant”,
    The 14th International Conference on Quasicrystals (ICQ14), Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, May 2019.

  41. 安井隼太,小松正弥,肖英紀
    「β-Mn型Co-Zn-(V, Cr)合金の作製」

  42. 田口牧,肖英紀
    「Au-Ge-Yb 1/1近似結晶における相分離構造の直接観察」

  43. 田口牧,肖英紀
    「2種類のAu-Ge-Yb 1/1近似結晶の作製と局所構造観察」

  44. 齋藤礼奈,高木強平,肖英紀

  45. 高木強平,肖英紀,佐藤卓

  46. 高木強平,肖英紀,佐藤卓

  47. 小松正弥,肖英紀,濱中幸祐,冨樫将孝,桑原真人, 長尾全寛

  48. 肖英紀,高木強平,小松正弥

  49. 高木強平,肖英紀,佐藤卓

  50. 肖英紀

  51. 肖英紀,小松正弥,高場健太郎,鈴木潤士,桑原真人,長尾全寛

  52. 肖英紀

  53. 肖英紀,越谷翔悟,木本浩司

  54. 小松正弥,高場健太郎,肖英紀,鈴木潤士,桑原真人, 長尾全寛

  55. 肖英紀,高橋紅野,越谷翔悟,木本浩司

  56. 高木強平,肖英紀,佐藤卓

  57. 肖英紀,越谷翔悟,木本浩司

  58. 肖英紀
    第12回 新機能無機物質探索研究センター・シンポジウム,東北大学多元物質科学研究所,2018年2月(招待講演)

  59. 小松正弥,肖英紀,鈴木潤士,桑原真人, 長尾全寛

  60. 小松正弥,肖英紀,鈴木潤士,桑原真人, 長尾全寛

  61. 高木強平,肖英紀,佐藤卓

  62. 肖英紀,高橋紅野

  63. 肖英紀,高橋紅野

  64. 高橋紅野,肖英紀

  65. 高木強平,片桐陽,肖英紀

  66. 片桐陽,肖英紀,齋藤嘉一
    「Ga-Pt-RE (RE:希土類元素)系Tsai型近似結晶の形成」

  67. 高橋紅野,肖英紀

  68. 片桐陽,肖英紀

  69. 肖英紀,片桐陽,廣戸孝信,齋藤嘉一,田村隆治,枝川圭一

  70. Y.-G. So, T. Hiroto, R. Tamura and K. Edagawa,
    “Atomic-scale chemical mapping of Tsai-type approximants using STEM-EDS”,
    The 8th International Conference on Aperiodic Crystals (Aperiodic 2015), Prague, Czech, September 2015.

  71. 肖英紀,枝川圭一

  72. 肖英紀,長尾全寛,吉田紘行,長井拓郎,枝川圭一,齋藤嘉一,原徹,山崎淳司,木本浩司

  73. 片桐陽,肖英紀,廣戸孝信,田村隆治,齋藤嘉一,枝川圭一

  74. 肖英紀

  75. 肖英紀,長尾全寛,吉田紘行,長井拓郎,枝川圭一,齋藤嘉一,原徹,山崎淳司,木本浩司


肖研究室 所在地

(Last update:2024.12.9)
〒010-8502 秋田県秋田市手形学園町1-1
秋田大学理工学部 3号館 414号室
1-1 Tegata Gakuen-machi, Akita City
010-8502 Japan