研究業績 Publications
Scientific papers
Rinaldi Ikhram, Takashi Hoshide, Tsukasa Ohba, Mega Fatimah Rosana, Adi Hardiyono (2025) Origin and evolution of serpentinized peridotite from the Ciletuh Melange in Sunda Arc, Indonesia: Evidence from petrography, mineralogy, and geochemistry. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X , Volume 13, 100188. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaesx.2024.100188
Akira CHIBA, Takashi HOSHIDE, Satoshi TANABE (2024) Origin of two types of olivine from the Ogi Picritic Dolerite Sill, northeast Japan. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, Volume 119, Issue 1. https://doi.org/10.2465/jmps.231002
Imura, T., Ohba, T., Takahashi, R., Manalo, P., Sato, H., Ban, M., Hirata, A., Alvarez-Valero, A. M. (2024). Sulfur isotopic variations in the products of the 1895 CE eruption at Zao volcano (NE Japan): Implications for connecting eruption source and syn-eruptive magmatic-hydrothermal processes. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 452, 108127.
Mradipta Lintang Alifcanta Moktikanana, Tsukasa Ohba, Agung Harijoko, Haryo Edi Wibowo, Muhammad Andriansyah Gurusinga, Sherinna Mega Cahyani (2024) Geology, chronology, and temporal evolution of basaltic to dacitic magma system in Raung volcano, East Java, Indonesia. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 452, 108126.
Takashi Hoshide, Nao Ishibashi, Keisuke Iwahashi (2024) Brecciation and fracturing by water ingress into the Genbudo basaltic andesitic lava flow, Iwate volcano, northeastern Japan. Bulletin of Volcanology 86, 15.
Takashi Hoshide, Angela Bokuik, Tatsuki Ishikawa (2023) Petrogenesis of the Morobe Granodiorite and their shoshonitic mafic microgranular enclaves in Maramuni arc, Papua New Guinea. Open Geosciences 15, no. 1, 2023, pp. 20220547.
Muhammad Alfath Salvano Salni, Euis Tintin Yuningsih, Tsukasa Ohba (2023) Magmatic evolution and plumbing system of Gede Salak volcano, Banten, Indonesia. Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 10 Issue 2, p245-276.
Muhammad Andriansyah Gurusinga,Tsukasa Ohba, Agung Harijoko, and Takashi Hoshide (2023) Characteristics of ash particles from the maar complex of Lamongan Volcanic Field (LVF), East Java, Indonesia: How textural features and magma composition control ash morphology. Volcanica 6 ( 2 ) 415 - 436.
Takeshi HASEGAWA; Bunta Kikuchi; Shohei Shibata; Yuhji Yamamoto; Takumi Imura; Masao Ban; Kae Tsunematsu; Chie Kusu; Makoto Okada; Tsukasa Ohba (2023) Paleomagnetism and paleomagnetic dating to large volcanic bombs: an example from the historical eruption of Azuma?Jododaira volcano, NE Japan. Earth, Planets and Space 75, 172.
Jananda N, Indriyanto, Tsukasa Ohba, Takashi Hoshide, Syahreza S. Angkasa, Mirzam Abdurrachman (2023) Eruptive history of the last-1300-years activity of Kelud volcano, Indonesia: Inferences from stratigraphy, chronology, sedimentology, componentry, and geochemistry. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 433 107723
Tsukasa Ohba, Shintaro Hayashi, Masao Ban, Takumi Imura, Yusuke Minami, Masahiro Endo (2022) Late Holocene Tephrostratigraphy at Chokai Volcano, Northern Japan, and Contribution to Hazard Assessment. Journal of Disaster Research 17(5) 724-735
David A. B. Unganai, Akira Imai, Ryohei Takahashi, Daud L. Jamal, Andrea Agangi, Takashi Hoshide, Hinako Sato (2022) Genesis of magmatic ilmenite ores associated with the Mazua ultramafic intrusion, NE Mozambique. Ore Geology Reviews 143 104760
鹿野和彦, 石山大三, 大場 司, 藤本幸雄, 大口健志 (2022) 秋田県湯沢市蓮台寺のカオリン鉱物に富む礫質堆積物の産状と起源. 地質学雑誌 128(1) 169-184
Kentaro Kondo, Takashi Hoshide (2021) Cooling processes of a dolerite sill inferred from the variations in plagioclase aspect ratio, Atsumi District, north-eastern Japan. Geosciences Journal. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12303-021-0038-y
Iwamori, H., Ueki, K., Hoshide, T., Sakuma, H., Ichiki, M., Watanabe, T., et al. (2021). Simultaneous analysis of seismic velocity and electrical conductivity in the crust and the uppermost mantle: A forward model and inversion test based on grid search. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126, e2021JB022307. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JB022307
大場 司,井村 匠,南 裕介,シャレザ サイディナ アンカサ (2021) 火山灰中の鉱物からみた水蒸気噴火のメカニズム.地学雑誌(東京地学協会)130(6) doi:10.5026/jgeography
Imura, T., Ohba, T., and Horikoshi, K.(2021) Geologic and petrologic evolution of subvolcanic hydrothermal system: a case on pyroclastic deposits since the 1331 AD eruption at Azuma-Jododaira volcano, central Fukushima, North-Eastern Japan. Journal of volcanology and geothermal research ( Elsevier ), 416, 107274.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2021.107274
Reza Firmansyah Hasibuan, Tsukasa Ohba, Mirzam Abdurrachman, and Takashi Hoshide (2020) Temporal Variations of Petrological Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks from Tangkil and Rajabasa Volcanoes. lndonesian Journal on Geoscience (IJOG), 7 (2), ISSN:2355-9306.
James Cesar Avisado Refran, Tsukasa Ohba, Carlo Abundo Arcilla, Takashi Hoshide, Maria Ines Rosana Balangue-Tarriela (2020) Deep crustal crystallization of tholeiitic melt: Insights from Manguao Basalt, Palawan, Philippines. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences (Japanese Association of Mineralogists Petrologists and Economic Geologists), 115(6), 440-456.
Kelemen, P.B., Matter, J.M., Teagle, D.A.H., Coggon, J.A., and the Oman Drilling Project Science Team, 2020. Site GT1: layered cumulate gabbros and deep fault zones. In Kelemen, P.B., Matter, J.M., Teagle, D.A.H., Coggon, J.A., et al., Proceedings of the Oman Drilling Project: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).
Kelemen, P.B., Matter, J.M., Teagle, D.A.H., Coggon, J.A., and the Oman Drilling Project Science Team, 2020. Site GT2: foliated to layered gabbro transition. In Kelemen, P.B., Matter, J.M., Teagle, D.A.H., Coggon, J.A., et al., Proceedings of the Oman Drilling Project: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).
Yusuke Minami, Tsukasa Ohba, Shintaro Hayashi, Yoko Saito-Kokubu, Kyoko S. Kataoka (2019) Lahar record during the last 2500 years, Chokai Volcano, northeast Japan: Flow behavior, sourced volcanic activity, and hazard implications. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 387, 106661.
Takumi Imura, Yusuke Minami, Tsukasa Ohba, Akiko Matsumoto, Antonio Arribas and Mitsuhiro Nakagawa (2019) Hydrothermal Aluminum-Phosphate-Sulfates in Ash from the 2014 Hydrothermal Eruption at Ontake Volcano, Central Honshu, Japan, Minerals, 9(8), 462.
Syahreza S. Angkasa, Tsukasa Ohba, Takumi Imura, Iwan Setiawan, Mega F. Rosana (2019) Tephra stratigraphy and ash componentry studies of proximal volcanic products at Mt. Tangkuban Parahu, Indonesia: an insight to Holocene volcanic activity, Indonesian Journal on Geoscience, 6(3), 235-253. https://doi.org/10.17014/ijog.6.3.235-253
井村 匠・大場 司・中川光弘 (2019) 噴出物中の熱水変質鉱物の特徴:十勝岳火山噴出物の例, 地質学雑誌, 125(3), 203-218.
及川輝樹, 大場 司, 藤縄明彦, 佐々木 寿 (2018) 水蒸気噴火の地質学的研究, 地質学雑誌, 124 (4), 231-250.
Shinro Abe, Dinh Van Tien, Do Ngoc Ha, Takashi Hoshide, Tadashi Nishitani and Toyohiko Miyagi (2018) Topography and landslides in weathered granitic rock areas-Hai Van landslide in central Vietnam, Landslides, 15 (8), 1675-1689.
Minami Yusuke,
Imura Takumi, Hayashi Shintaro,
Ohba Tsukasa (2016) Mineralogical study on volcanic ash of the eruption on September 27, 2014 at Ontake volcano, central Japan: correlation with porphyry copper systems,
Earth, Planets and Space.2016, 68:67.
南 裕介・
大場 司・林 信太郎・片岡香子 (2015) 鳥海火山北麓に分布するラハール堆積物の運搬・堆積過程と構成物質の時間変化(論説), 火山,60(1), 1-16.
Hoshide, T. and Obata, M. (2014) Spinel inclusions in olivine and plagioclase crystals in a layered gabbro: a marker and a tracer for primary phenocrysts in a differentiating magma reservoir,
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 168:1049.
・Kathryn M. Gillis, Jonathan E. Snow, Adam Klaus, Natsue Abe, Alden B. Adriao, Norikatsu Akizawa, Georges Ceuleneer, Michael J. Cheadle, Kathrin Faak, Trevor J. Falloon, Sarah A. Friedman, Marguerite Godard, Gilles Guerin, Yumiko Harigane, Andrew J. Horst,
Takashi Hoshide, Benoit Ildefonse, Marlon M. Jean, Barbara E. John, Juergen Koepke, Sumiaki Machi, Jinichiro Maeda, Naomi E. Marks, Andrew M. McCaig, Romain Meyer, Antony Morris, Toshio Nozaka, Marie Python, Abhishek Saha & Robert P. Wintsch (2014) Primitive layered gabbros from fast-spreading lower oceanic crust,
Nature, 505, 204-207.
・Kathryn M. Gillis, Jonathan E. Snow, Adam Klaus, Natsue Abe, Alden B. Adriao, Norikatsu Akizawa, Georges Ceuleneer, Michael J. Cheadle, Kathrin Faak, Trevor J. Falloon, Sarah A. Friedman, Marguerite Godard, Gilles Guerin, Yumiko Harigane, Andrew J. Horst,
Takashi Hoshide, Benoit Ildefonse, Marlon M. Jean, Barbara E. John, Juergen Koepke, Sumiaki Machi, Jinichiro Maeda, Naomi E. Marks, Andrew M. McCaig, Romain Meyer, Antony Morris, Toshio Nozaka, Marie Python, Abhishek Saha & Robert P. Wintsch (2014) Hess Deep Plutonic Crust: Exploring the plutonic crust at a fast‐spreading ridge: New drilling at Hess Deep.
Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Volume 345 Expedition Reports , doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.345.2014.