Knowledge and Abilities about Materials Science and Engineering,

@(A) Knowledge about properties, functions and production processes of materials and abilities to apply the knowledge.

Outcomes(), Contents of Learning and Practice(), and corresponding classes
Abilities to explain structure and properties of materials from the viewpoint of physics and chemistry, and abilities to apply the knowledge
Studies of structure of materials and relationship between structure and properties
Introduction to Materials Science Physics of Materials Solid State Chemistry
Structural Materials Science Structural Analytics of Materials Physics of Solids
Electronic Materials Physics of Crystalline Solids Electromagnetism
Introduction to Quantum Theory Optical Properties of Materials Surface Science

Abilities to understand basic producing process and principle of metallic materials and ceramic materials, and abilities to apply the knowledge
Studies of process and physical or chemical basis of manufacturing process of materials
Physical Chemistry h Physical Chemistry hh Metallic Materials hh
Ceramic Materials Electrochemistry for Material Science Chemical Processing of Materials
Materials Processing Plastic Material Processing Solidification Processing

Abilities to understand functional properties of materials and mechanism of expression of them, and abilities to apply the knowledge
Studies of functional properties of materials and occurrence or application of them
Structural Control of Materials Functional Materials Computational Materials Science
Functional Surface Technology Advanced Materials for Energy Conversion Functional Inorganic Materials
Metallic Materials h Mechanics of Solids Relative Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Metallic Materials
