秋田大学 国際資源学研究科 資源地球科学専攻

Department of Earth Resource Science, Graduate School of International Resource Sciences, Akita University, Japan


Economic Geology Research Group


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Research process is simply explained in following.


We will conduct geological fieldwork in mining area and prospects, and


 日本は、地下資源に乏しい国と言われていますが、これまでの長い歴史の中では、多くの金属資源の開発が行われてきました。現在も採掘が行われている鹿児島県の菱刈鉱山は、総埋蔵量380t Au以上とされ、金-銀を生産する鉱床の1つのタイプである浅熱水性金鉱床の中では世界最大級の金鉱床です。日本の金属資源開発企業は、長い歴史の中で培った高い技術をもって、海外で資源探査や開発を精力的に展開しています。


    Akita is known as it was one of the largest mining regions in Japan, where many kuroko and vein type deposits had been mined. Detail genetic studies have been conducted in the Hokuroku region, Akita, and now the term of kuroko that is a type of volcanic massive sulfide deposits (VMS deposits) is used worldwide.

    It is considered that Japan is not rich in underground resources, however, there were many metal mines in the past. The Hishikari mine in Kagoshima, Japan, is currently producing gold with a total reserves more than 380 t Au, which is one of the largest gold deposits in the world as a category of epithermal gold deposits. Japanese metal mining companies are energetically carrying out the resource exploration and exploitation in foreign countries with high skills and technology obtained in a long history.

    Our research group is studying metal deposits to elucidate economic-geological features such as ore-grades, chemical compositions, mineral associations, growth textures and isotopic compositions, and genesis of formation such as geological age, temperature, depth, physicochemical conditions and origin of materials. The researches will be utilized in construction of a new mineral exploration method and as a guideline of mining exploitation.


Introduction of research


The researches will be utilized for the exploration and mining exploitation.


to elucidate alteration characteristics and ore-forming conditions (chemical compositions, temperature, depth, origin and so on).


conduct experiments such as fluid inclusion microthermometry, XRD, XRF, EPMA, ICP-MS and isotopic analyses


We will observe ores and alteration minerals and fluid inclusions under the microscope, and


collect samples of ores and other rocks from underground, surface and drill cores.