
Scientific papers

Osamu Nishikawa, Kazuto Saiki, Hans-Rudolf Wenk (2004) Intra-granular strains and grain boundary morphologies of dynamically recrystallized quartz aggregates in a mylonite. Journal of Structural Geology, v. 26, 1, 127-141.


Watanabe, Y. (2004) Tectonic processes related to variation in styles of epithermal gold mineralization in Kyushu, Japan. SEG 2004 Predictive Mineral Discover Under Cover, Extended Abstracts. The University of Western Australia Publication No. 33, p. 264-267.

渡辺 寧(2004)斑岩銅鉱床の概要と形成場から見た探査指針. 資源地質54巻2号, p. 177-178 (ショートコースExtended abstract「探査実務家のためのポーフィリーカッパー鉱床学」).


渡辺 寧(2004)生きている九州ー浅熱水性金鉱床生成区の変遷.地質ニュース599号,p. 31-39.

Oral presentations

Watanabe, Y. (2004) Mineral deposits as an indicator of tectonic processes (Invited). GEOCON 2004 (Geological Society of the Philippines) (Quezon, Philippines, December 09, 2004)

清水 徹・青木正博・渡辺 寧・椛島太郎(2004)北海道 豊羽-無意根地域のマグマ-熱水系発達史の復元―K-Ar年代、流体包有物および硫黄・酸素同位体比のシステマティックスー.質量分析学会同位体比部会(山形, November 24)

Murakami, H., Watanabe, Y., Sari, R., Kucukefe, S. (2004) Newly discovered Tepeoba breccia-centered Cu-Mo-Au deposit in western Turkey. IAVCEI General Assembly 2004 (Pucon, Chile, November 16, 2004)

Watanabe, Y. (2004) Presently evolving epithermal gold provinces in Kyushu, Japan. IAVCEI General Assembly 2004 (Pucon, Chile, November 15, 2004)

Watanabe, Y. (2004) Tectonic processes related to epithermal gold mineralization in Kyushu, Japan. SEG 2004 Perth Meeting (Perth, Australia, October 01, 2004)

Shimizu, T., Aoki, M., Kabashima, T. and Watanabe, Y. (2004) Evolution of hydrothermal system at the Toyoha polymetallic deposit-Mt. Muine area, Hokkaido, Japan-Evidence from K-Ar ages, fluid inclusion, sulfur and oxygen isotopes-. SEG 2004 Perth Meeting (Perth, Australia, September 27-October 01, 2004)

清水 徹・青木正博・椛島太郎・渡辺 寧(2004)北海道豊羽多金属鉱床-無意根山地域における熱水系の進化.2004年度資源地質学会年会(東京, June 18, 2004)

渡辺 寧(2004)九州の浅熱水性金鉱床区の変遷とテクトニクス.2004年度資源地質学会年会(東京, June 18, 2004)

Seminar & Short course


