
渡辺 寧(2003) 斑岩銅鉱床.資源環境地質学, 35-44. 資源地質学会.

渡辺 寧(2003) プレートの沈み込み様式と鉱床タイプ.資源環境地質学, 163-170. 資源地質学会.

渡辺 寧(2003) 鉱脈形成と応力場.資源環境地質学, 171-178. 資源地質学会.

須藤定久,渡辺 寧,小村幸次郎(2003)50万分の1鉱物資源図 九州. 産業技術総合研究所 地質調査総合センター.

Scientific papers

Katsura, T., Yamada, H., Nishikawa, O., Song, M., Kubo, A., Shinmei, T., Yokoshi, S., Aizawa, Y., Yoshino, T., Walter, M. J., Ito, E., Funakoshi, K. (2004) Olivine-wadsleyite transition in the system (Mg,Fe)2SiO4. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 109, B02209. doi:10,1029/2003JB002438.

Osamu Nishikawaa, Kazuto Saikib, Hans-Rudolf Wenk (2003) Intra-granular strains and grain boundary morphologies of dynamically recrystallized quartz aggregates in a mylonite. Journal of Structural Geology, v. 26, p. 127-141.

Watanabe, Y. (2003) 40Ar-39Ar spectra of alunite from phreatic craters in the Muine volcano, Hokkaido, Japan. Resource Geology, 53, 221-226.



Oral presentations

Watanabe, Y. (2003) Hydrothermal alteration associated with the Pliocene Muine volcano and base-metal mineralization at the Toyoha deposit, northeast Japan. GSA Annual Meeting (Seattle, USA, November 05, 2003)

Watanabe, Y. (2003) Subduction style, tectonic regime, and related deposit types in convergence zones: Japanese and Chilean examples. IGCP-473 Field Symposium in Urumqi "Paleozoic Geodynamic Processes and Metallogeny of Chinese Altay and Tianshan" (Urumiqi, China, August 09, 2003) (Keynote speaker)

宝田 晋治・中川 充・宮坂 瑞穂・酒井 彰・渡辺 寧・渡辺 真人・石塚 吉浩・利光 誠一・尾崎 正紀・高橋 浩・古川 竜太・鹿野 和彦・脇田浩ニ(2003) 20万分の1シームレス地質図・北海道地域. 第14回 日本情報地質学会 総会 ・ 講演会(室蘭工大,室蘭, June 27, 2003)

宝田 晋治・中川 充・宮坂 瑞穂・酒井 彰・渡辺 寧・渡辺 真人・石塚 吉浩・利光 誠一・尾崎 正紀・高橋 浩・古川 竜太・鹿野 和彦(2003) 20 万分の1 日本数値地質図「北海道」.地球惑星科学関連学会2003年合同大会(幕張メッセ,東京, May 29, 2003)

Watanabe, Y. (2003) Late Cenozoic Metallogeny of Southwest Hokkaido, Japan. Symposium on Genetic Model of Epithermal Gold Deposit by the Korea Society of Economic and Environmental Geology (Gwangju, Korea, April 25, 2003) (invited)

Watanabe, Y. (2003) Local and regional scale metallogenic studies for mineral exploration strategy development. First CCOP-DMR-USGS Seminar on Quantitative Mineral Resource Assessment of Southeast Asia (Bangkok, Thailand, February 11, 2003)

Seminar & Short course


